
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

War-Against Water Air and Man’s Right to Live



War is an openly declared state of organized conflict, typified by extreme aggression, societal disruption, and high mortality. As a behavior pattern, warlike tendencies are found in many primate species, including humans, and also found in many ant species. The set of techniques used by a group to carry out war is known as warfare.

By the formation of the Planets through separation of matter, was the caused and beginnings of conflicts. Without conflict, nothing would be in existence. Sense conflict is war, than war has existed from the beginning alone with the ideal or a necessity to Rule over. The concept of One Ruler- There will be conflict to to War Until One Rules.
From the beginning of time there has been Conflict to War causing Formation.The Light’s interruption of the Darkness created conflict between Night and Day. This formation of light causing heat and friction that  night could not understand causing a separation of Night Light and Day Light. So causing the night to rule at night and the day to rule in the daytime whereby giving Light to Rule the Day and the Night to Rule the Night.
While boundaries set the order of rule between the elements, One must end where the other is set to begin. The lights interruption of the night, has brought about the beginning of daylight and the end of the night. When the light rules the daylight, the night must be silent until the day cease to rule.
War Conflict Causing Formation
Gen. 1: (16) Authorized King James Version  “Day and Night ‘And God Made two great lights; the greater light to Rule the Day, and the lesser light to Rule the night…’, 
Gen. 1: (9) 2 (10) Authorized King James Version
 “And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good”.

The Waters conflict with Land, causing Oceans and Dry Earth. Without  the boundaries and rules between Oceans and Earth, the Waters would exceed the and the Lands would not exist, or the Earth would swallow up the Waters and the Oceans would dry away into the Earth. The Dry Earth and Lands exist by Rule of the Oceans not to exceed over the dry land. This common  Rule over between Daylight and Night between Oceans and Dry Land is a Necessary Conflict to Warfare. 


War of Man’s Conflict against  Humanity
At the center of every lifespan looms remnants of past and present warfare against humanity. War has existed throughout the existence of every nation within their countries, their cities, war is in their waters the air and persist in the fibers of human life. At the center of every lifespan looms remnants of past and present warfare against humanity. War has existed throughout the existence of every nation within their countries, their cities, war is in their waters the air and persist in the fibers of human life. the need to Rule over commands to the need of warfare for Mankind.
War Man Uncessary Necessity
  War is a seemingly inescapable and integral aspect of human culture. Its practice is not linked to any single type of political organization or society. Rather, as discussed by John Keegan in his History Of Warfare, war is a universal phenomenon whose form and scope is defined by the society that wages it.[10] The conduct of war extends along a continuum, from the almost universal primitive endemic warfare that began well before recorded human history, to advanced nuclear warfare between global alliances, with the recently developed ultimate potential for human extinction. Ancient warfare , Military history , History of War 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Learning How to Build A Positive Profile Image on the Net (Part 1)

This is a Two Week Online Session from Start to Finish on How You can enhance yourself online through examination of your profiles, and the images you are projecting throughout The Social Internet Media Arena.

     Managing the many PROFILES you may have online can be all but a fight in a Social Network Media Arena. With the right determination, this task can be a thing of the past, once you get the right handle on who you are, and the messages(s) you’re projecting in your profiles. Moving through all of your personalities can seem impossible, that is, like me; you’ve built several profiles over the time you’ve spent online. For example, some of us started when profiles and e-mails were as simple as AOL and EarthLink, now it's Window's Live, Yahoo Google’s. We have to back track and gather all our personalities into one maybe two places without uprooting the connections we have already made over the years. This can be a challenge, but with the right structure, this seemly impossible task can be mastered in a shorter period of time than you may think. It can be done, and with help of  The Club, you can soon Master Your Profiles-Build Your Business and Begin to see results as you build positive, strong, stable Profiles that connects with other Social Networks. In time you will see your future Business Web-Sites and Social blogs begin to grow. For Now Join The Club-Learn to Network, Send Your Request to IBB Club at IBB 2 Club Facebook Pages

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